Thursday, July 9, 2009


Sooo this is a little past due! I wanted to back date on how everything went :) I have to start out by thanking God for the amazing milestone we made it with the Twins. I am so thankful for all the thoughts and prayers that made this possible. At my 36 week appt, I was still about 2-3 cm and thinned about 80%. We were starting to make a little progress...yippeee! We were scheduled to see the Doc at 37 weeks unless I went into labor on my own. He said if I make it to 37 weeks, they would talk about inducing me....hope for natural labor :) Here is the last pic of my belly at 36 weeks. Grant and I had a little "last" date before the babes arrived.

Love Grant, Chas & Daisy Arnoldink