Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Exciting News...Baby "A" is on its way!!!

I am going to start writing every week to update you all on the journey of my pregnancy :) It has been so wonderful thus far and I pray that it continues. I am now 17 weeks and have loved every minute of the experience. We found out that I was expecting on November 6. I smiled from ear to ear filled with joy and excitement. Grant is so excited and I know that he is going to be the "best" dad ever (hint hint...look at our little Princess Daisy).

Going back a few months...we got to hear the heart beat on December 31st. It made the pregnancy soooo real. Grant said, it sounds like a basketball bouncing really fast and close to the ground. The Doc said everything looked great and we were right on track.

Next appointment was January 30th and we listened to the heartbeat again....this time much slower. The baby is growing and not having to work so hard. Once again, everything checked out great. I have gained 3 lbs since my first appt. I am still able to fit into most of my pants...a few are a little uncomfortable. My the end of the month, I might need some stretchy pants...hehe!

Two weeks from today we will get to find out the sex of our little bundle of joy! We both want to know so that we can be prepared as much as possible. It will be Grant's Birthday, so a special day all together!

I hope everyone is doing great and we miss each one of you sooo much!

Love Grant, Chas & Daisy Arnoldink